Jam Channel



Due to a very busy week for many Arts Barn people we have postponed the next meeting - it will now take place on Tuesday 17th at 7.00 instead of Wednesday the 9th. Hope to see many that attended the first meeting plus a few more people who couldn't make it last time.


1. Update on project status

2. Draft hire rates and arrangements for workshop room.

3. Projects - work parties including garden design/plans

4. Establishment of Partners

5. Grants and Funding.

6. Office Set up - establish start-up opening times roster

7. Opening Event

8. Footprint Festival

9. Committee, Tasks and work-groups - meeting schedule.

If anyone wants to add topics for discussion please email info@artsbarn.org.au

If you want to get involved please either "attend" on the facebook page or send an email to info@artsbarn.org.au

Bring plate of nibbles to share and drinks if you want - tea and coffee provided

*note - to be part of the management committee you will be required to be/become a financial member of either Brackets and Jam Central Coat Inc. or a member of Fusion Arts (this can be done on the night)

There are many arts and cultural silos in our community who are operating in isolation and often disengaged from the greater arts and cultural community, often with very limited resources. The hub will be an opportunity for all of these organisations to network and share resources with each other building community connectedness & social relationships by providing intergenerational opportunities for recreation & leisure through cultural expression & participation.

In partnership with Fusion Arts Central Coast Inc. supported by other organisations including Kariong Eco Garden, CC Tourism, Kariong Neighbourhood centre, Earth Central and other groups that we are currently in discussion with, we propose that the facility will provide:

1.    Office Space –A place where community groups can hire time in ‘their own’ office we envisage that each of 3 offices will have internet access, lockable files, lighting with shared copying etc facilities.

2.    Information hub – A distribution point for information referencing Art & Culture across the Central Coast.

3.    Meeting Place for community art and cultural/environmental groups with AV available.

4.    Workshop space for community arts and cultural programs with AV available.

5.    Storage space for existing and future arts and cultural equipment and resources.

6.    Central archive of historical documentation of arts and community events and festivals

7.    Shared administration resource for arts and cultural groups ie; mail service, reception, resource bookings, event ticketing.

8.    Development of community performance/rehearsal space and provision of equipment.

9.    Development of new and support of existing community market initiatives

10.  Explore the consolidation of other local community resources to achieve sustainability of the hub/precinct.

11.  Incorporate sustainable technologies/systems for power/water/waste given appropriate to establish the facility as a” showcase” for environmentally sustainable community assets. (solar, water tanks, wind-generator).

12.  Develop exhibition space for community artists

13.  Networking and liaising with both commercial and community partnerships to develop ongoing sustainability of the hub/precinct eg; Neighbourhood Centre, Progress Association, Child Care centre, Eco Garden.

14.  Networking with the local community to integrate local initiatives ie; through Neighbourhood centre and Council community development.